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Name Position University,
Course Main Theme of Study Detail / Inquiry
Kazuya Uezu Executive Director, Vice-president, Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering,The University of Kitakyushu Department of Life and Environment Engineering(Life Science and Biomaterials) 1. Biosensors utilizing the structures and functions of living organisms 2. Biomaterials for capturing the intracellular messengers 3. Design of functional materials with computational chemistry 4. Environmentally-friendly firefighting foam for forest fire
Kohji Nakazawa Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering,The University of Kitakyushu Department of Life and Environment Engineering(Life Science and Biomaterials) 1. Development of cell array 2. Development of sensing technology of cell functions 3. Study of tissue engineering using cultured cells
Takaaki Isoda Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering,The University of Kitakyushu Department of Life and Environment Engineering(Life Science and Biomaterials) Development of a new bio sensor and the application, 1. Food poisoning tests 2. Skin allergy tests 3. Infection test kit
Shinichi Mochizuki Associate Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering,The University of Kitakyushu Department of Life and Environment Engineering(Life Science and Biomaterials) 1. Development of drug delivery system 2. Novel immunotherapy 3. Glycoengineering 4. Nucleic acid chemistry
Kazuo Sakurai Professor Institute of Environmental Science and Technology,The University of Kitakyushu Life Science and Biomaterials(Department of Life and Environment Engineering) 1. Polymer Physics 2. Biopolymer 3. Biochemistry

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